Our Treatments
Head turn preferences are common but that doesn’t mean they are normal. A head turn preference in infancy could be the result of fascial or muscular restrictions in the body or visual or neurological conditions.
Flat Head Syndrome
Your baby’s head should be round and symmetric. If you were to draw an imaginary line down the middle of the baby’s head then compare both sides, any dents, or lumps on the left side should also be on the right.
Delayed Motor Milestones
Delayed motor (movement) milestones strike many kids at different points of life but when should you be concerned? Perhaps you were a late walker. Perhaps you never crawled. There are several developmental milestones lists available online. These lists can be overwhelming if your child is not hitting all her age-suggested targets.
Oral Ties
The culprit could be an oral tie better known as tethered oral ties (TOTs). If your baby’s tongue is tethered to the floor of his mouth, it can be difficult to create the seal and suction power to suckle from a breast or a bottle. If your baby is working hard to breast- or bottle feed, he might fall asleep frequently because he’s working so hard. You might also notice long feeds lasting 45 minutes or more.